A.T. Radiology Blog

Radiology is a rapidly growing and evolving field… driven by technology and a pioneering spirit among the doctors who practice in this specialty. There’s always something new to report and our blog is the perfect place to read all about it!

Prostate MRI

Understanding the Vital Role of MRI in Prostate Health

When it comes to men’s health, prostate concerns are a significant focus. From routine check-ups to advanced diagnostics, ensuring optimal prostate health is paramount for overall well-being. Among the arsenal of diagnostic tools available, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) emerges as…
Digital Backdrop

How A.I. Can Aid in Imaging and Diagnostics

In the ever-evolving industry of healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making strides in re-imagining how clinical imaging and diagnostics are approached. With the ability to investigate big quantities of information, AI  is proving to be a great tool for healthcare…
CG Rendering of Thyroid

What is a thyroid biopsy and what can I expect?

When it comes to your health, acting quickly is key, and sometimes that involves undergoing medical procedures to assess and diagnose potential health concerns. If you’ve been advised to undergo a thyroid biopsy, you might be curious, and probably a…
Medical Imaging Screen

The Importance of Regular Screenings

Medical imaging tests have come a long way in recent years, and are now a critical tool in the early detection of various health conditions. While some may view these tests as unnecessary or uncomfortable, for those at risk regular…
Mammogram Operation

10 Tips to Prepare for a Mammogram

What is a mammogram? It’s the process of using low-energy X-rays to examine the human breast for diagnosis and screening. It has been demonstrated that mammographic screening has reduced the number of deaths caused by breast cancer over the last…
Doctor X-ray Review on Computer

What You Might Not Know About X-Rays

X-rays are the most common type of diagnostic screening. Here’s what you might not already know about them. X-rays can be used to look at soft tissue. Although X-ray scans are most often used to examine bones and joints, they…
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