Detect breast cancer earlier, and more accurately with 3D Mammography

In the realm of breast health, staying informed about the latest advancements in technology is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. At just 35, Lindsay felt the urge to get a mammogram. Knowing that breast cancer was part of her family history, she advocated for an early screening and made annual checkups a priority. During her second visit, Lindsay’s doctor discovered a lump. Thinking that it might be a cyst since she was young, but wanting to be sure, her doctor requested a Hologic Genius 3D Mammography exam. 

What is a 3D Hologic Genius Mammography Exam?

3D mammography is an advanced imaging technique that provides a three-dimensional view of the breast tissue. Traditional mammograms capture images of the breast from two angles, while 3D mammography takes multiple images from various angles. This process allows a clear, three-dimensional picture and gives the radiologist the liberty to examine breast tissue layer by layer. 

How Does a 3D Mammogram Compare to a Regular Mammogram?

While both traditional mammography and 3D mammography aim to detect breast cancer early, 3D mammography offers several advantages. First, it provides a more detailed view of the breast tissue, making it easier to distinguish between normal and abnormal structures. This improved clarity can lead to earlier detection of small tumors and a lower recall rate for additional imaging, reducing unnecessary anxiety for patients. Additionally, 3D mammography is especially beneficial for women with dense breast tissue, as it can detect cancers that may be obscured on a traditional mammogram.

Take Action for Your Breast Health

Lindsay’s 3D exam revealed that she did have breast cancer. Thankfully, she started the process early enough and was consistent enough to get the treatment she needed. Her story is a reminder for all women to advocate for their health by making annual screenings a priority. “I feel really lucky that I had 3D™ mammography accessible to me. I was able to be diagnosed quickly and I was still at an early stage. That saved my life,” reported Lindsay.

We encourage all women to prioritize regular breast screenings, including 3D mammography when appropriate. Early detection is key in the fight against breast cancer, and 3D mammography offers an advanced tool to improve detection rates and save lives. You can schedule your 3D mammogram today by calling 863-419-8832 or visit our mammography page for more information:

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